The Ins & Outs of State Reporting Unclaimed Property Due Dates

When it comes to submitting your unclaimed property reports, there are a myriad of State Reporting Unclaimed Property due dates including what are considered Spring States and Fall States.

Also keep in mind that, depending on the Holder type, that will also dictate when the report is due.

Most Life Insurance Companies have reports due in the Spring.

– 41 States are considered Fall Reporting, with reports due to them by October 31st/November 1st.

– 9 States have a Spring reporting deadline between  March 1st and July 1st.
        New York

– The above list also includes a couple of States that have reports due over the Summer/July 1st (Michigan & Texas).

– California has a preliminary report due by October 31 each year with their remittance report due in to them between the following June 1st – June 15th. The State will notify the Holder the exact final due date.

– Puerto Rico has a preliminary report due date of August 10th and the remittance report is due to the State by December 10th each year.

– Please note, the dormancy periods vary from one, three or five years amongst the States, depending on the property type. With a one year dormancy period being for Wages, Payroll or Salary. Traveler Checks have a 15 year dormancy period.

As you can see, there are an abundance of stipulations and requirements regarding unclaimed property reporting compliance. For how to navigate the reporting due date requirements, feel free to reach out to PEACC at 410.303.5510 or email us at

Call PEACC for Compliance
Call PEACC for Compliance 410.303.5510

How Can You Be Filing Your Unclaimed Property Reports and Still Not be Compliant?

1) By using an incorrect dormancy period or cut off date.

2) By reporting all property to the wrong State or State of Incorporation.

3) By having lapses in your reporting history.

4) By not understanding the rules of customer generated contact or interest in property.

5) By failing to report all eligible property

6) By not performing the State required Due Diligence/Search Letter function.

7) Under reporting or not reporting all property types.

8) Not using the State mandated required report formats.

For further assistance with non-compliance reporting issues, please contact a professional at PEACC at 410.303.5510 or email us at

Call PEACC for Compliance
Call PEACC for Compliance 410.303.5510

Examples of Unclaimed Property in the Corporate World

– Vendor or Accounts Payable Checks
– Payroll Checks or Denied Automatic Payments/Direct Deposits
– Refunds/Rebates
– Account Receivables/Credit Balances
– Customer Overpayments
– Unapplied Cash
– Unredeemed Gift Certificates
– Dormant Back Accounts (Checking/Savings Accounts)
– Life Insurance Proceeds Due
– Uncashed Benefit Checks

Call PEACC for Compliance
Call PEACC for Compliance 410.303.5510

Unique Unclaimed Property Report Due Dates

States that have a unique report due date for Holders:

March 1Delaware
March 10New York
March 31Connecticut
April 15Pennsylvania
April 30Florida
May 1Illinois
May 1Vermont
July 1Michigan
July 1Texas

A Holder may or may not have unclaimed property due to any of the above mentioned States. But it’s a good idea to check and see. Note: most of the dormancy periods for the above mentioned States are going to be 3 or 5 years, depending on the type of property and State. For all other States, the report due date is either in the Fall or Spring, depending on the Holder & Property type. For further information regarding reports or unclaimed property compliance issues, please contact the professionals at PEACC by calling 410.303.5510 or email us at

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Call PEACC for Compliance

Delaware Unclaimed Property (VDA)

Now that your fall unclaimed property reporting is complete, your PEACC Team of Advisors would like to announce Delaware is schedule to send out the next round of VDA invitations on November 15, 2024. The State last sent invitation letters out in February 2024.

If your organization receives a VDA (Voluntary Disclosure Agreement) invitation Letter from Delaware and fails to timely respond, you will become eligible for the dreaded, unclaimed property audit. Contact the professionals at PEACC to discuss your options, along with the process, at 410.303.5510.
VDA Invitation Dates – VDA Program – State of Delaware

State of Delaware map

Reason Why Your Unclaimed Property Report was Rejected

Reason Why Your Unclaimed Property Report was Rejected –

There a numerous reasons why a State may reject your annual unclaimed property report, including non-compliance –

Certain States require specific information be included on their State unclaimed property reports, including that they be in the appropriate format in order that they are accepted.
– California and Florida will reject reports if payroll property is lacking the Owner’s social security number.
– Tennessee requires that the NAICS be included on all uploaded unclaimed reports
– Tennessee, Washington, District of Columbia and Delaware are just a few of the State entities that require all state reports be uploaded to their State website portal
– When reporting property type Mineral Proceeds, certain States, including, Texas, Arkansas and Oklahoma require the well name, well number and well location be included on all State reports when reporting Mineral Royalties or the report may be rejected.
– Alabama, Nevada and Tennessee are a few of the States, where if the remittance is not received electronically, the report will be rejected and returned to the Holder.
– Spelling and not listing the property clearly on the State report may cause rejections and for the report to be returned back to the Holder.
– Reports not received by the States deadline (in most cases before November 1 or May 1 each year) may also be rejected and returned to the Holder.
As you can see, there are  numerous reasons why a State report may be rejected. Protect your company while saving time and money by contacting PEACC now to determine how not to have your report rejected. Please call 410.303.5510 or email We’ll be glad to assist!

Where Do I Report My Unclaimed Property?

1) Unclaimed intangible property is required to be reported to the State of the property Owner’s last known address as reflected on the Holder’s books and records;
2) Unclaimed intangible property is required to be reported to the Holder’s State of Incorporation if the Owner’s address is unknown, in a foreign Country, or in a State that exempts the property type.

Read more New To State Unclaimed Property Reporting Requirements?

Who Is Required To Report Unclaimed Property?

1) Corporations –
Service/Hospitality Industry
Others (Utilities, Gov’t Jurisdictions,
Colleges/Universities, Hospitals, etc.)

2) Banks & Financial Institutions

3) Insurance –
Life Insurance
Non-Life Insurance

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California Decides Against Amnesty

The California State Controller’s Office (“SCO”) has been researching options for increasing Holder compliance to their unclaimed property reporting requirements for about a year. One of the options was to offer Holders an Amnesty Period that would waive any interest or penalties on any property reported past due. Numerous years ago the State offered the same type of Amnesty Period and it produced a major windfall of property revenue for the State.

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