Compliance Trends – Submitting Unclaimed Property Reports Through State Reporting Portal But…
Alaska – Negative Reports are not required.
Massachusetts- Remittance payment must be made electronically through the State website portal.
Nevada- Remittance payment must be made electronically, through the State website by ACH Debit or a fee may be accessed.
Oklahoma – Signed Cover Sheet is still required to be submitted.
South Carolina – Remittance Payments must be made electronically through the State website portal.
Tennessee – Remittance Payment must be made electronically through the State website portal.
Virginia – Signed Cover Sheet must be submitted with each State report.
Washington – Remittance payment must be made electronically through the State website portal or a 5% penalty will be assessed.
Please note – the above are only a few of the States new requirements when reporting/remitting unclaimed property. For further information regarding your unclaimed property liability and reporting please reach out to a professional at PEACC by calling 410.303.5510 or email us at