Slash your unclaimed property compliance costs! Have you spent a fortune ensuring your company complies with complex state unclaimed property laws? You’re not alone. But after all that effort, why keep paying hefty annual fees?
Many companies pay for compliance services even for departments that don’t generate revenue. There’s a better way!, with over 25 years of experience, can help you significantly reduce unclaimed property costs. We offer a proven track record of assisting businesses with unclaimed property needs.
Stop overpaying for high-priced consultants. Partner with PEACC’s experienced team and see how much you can save.
Here’s the deal:
- You’ve invested heavily in compliance. Now, optimize your costs.
- Don’t waste resources on departments with no revenue stream.
- PEACC offers a cost-effective solution for your unclaimed property needs.
Our Services:
- Create or update Policies and Procedures
- Unclaimed Property Compliance Research
- Unclaimed Property Compliance Training
- Unclaimed Property Co-Sourcing (Report & Search Letter Generation)
Don’t wait! Contact PEACC today at 410.303.5510 or to discover how we can dramatically lower your compliance expenses.
PEACC strives to be your total source for unclaimed property (“UP”) compliance and offers the knowledge, experience and tools to assist your company.
Are you short staffed because of cut backs or employee turnover and need to put your efforts in to more revenue generating areas?
How about allowable service charge deductions and due diligence/search letter requirements?
Which States required search letters and which allow for deductions for each search letter? If you don’t have the time, experience or expertise to preform the continue research to stay in compliance each reporting year, contact PEACC!
We’ll do it for you in a very cost effective manner. You owe it to yourself and your company to contact PEACC to help alleviate all your compliance reporting headaches.
It’s a win-win! Reduce costs and benefit from PEACC’s expertise.